Be road safety conscious while driving overseas
Driving or riding is an excellent way to get to your destination, even when travelling overseas. Whether you’re in a car, riding a motorbike or buzzing around town on a scooter, understand the risks and take steps to stay safe on the streets.
Understand that riding and driving overseas can be quite different from back home, even in countries considered very similar to Australia.
If you do the wrong thing, you may wind up in trouble. Another driver may attack you (road rage), or police may arrest and jail you.
You must discover the local ways and honour those laws.
You might need an international driving permit (IDP), and your Australian licence. If you drive without the right permit, you might be detained or jailed.
Many rental companies will not allow you to hire a car without a valid IDP. Some insurance policies will not cover you for an accident if you are driving a vehicle without an authorised permit.
We strongly suggest that you get a legitimate IDP before leaving Australia.
Do not drive a car or ride a bicycle without the correct insurance. Get travel insurance for you and different coverage for the vehicle.
For those who have an accident, things get very costly, very fast. If you are injured, medical aid overseas is pricey. If a car is damaged, the cost of repairs (or the car hire excess) can cost a small fortune.
If you need urgent help abroad, contact local authorities. There are limitations to how and when the Australian Government will help an Australian abroad.