Covid 19 Travel Restrictions Update
We are now seeing tens of thousands of Australians return home from abroad each week.
But in most countries, the window of opportunity is closing. Our advice is clear: if you want to return to Australia – and commercial flights are available – travel home when possible.
Working with Qantas and Virgin, the Australian Government has established a network of regular flights from four important cities, London, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Auckland.
Many travellers are having difficulty getting home due to flight cancellations or movement restrictions.
If you are one of these, we know it is a stressful and challenging time.
In nations where airlines have ceased operating, we’re working with the airline industry and other governments to help Australians find ways to get home. Our focus will be on those areas where Australians are most vulnerable.
Check the web site of the nearest Australian embassy or high commission and follow their social networking pages for any updates on passing choices.
Over the last few weeks, we have worked with cruise operators and other authorities to bring home thousands of Australians from cruise ships.
Sometimes, you might want to make arrangements to stay where you are for a more extended period until your return can be arranged or border closures are lifted.
We are aware that this is a challenging situation. Our Ambassadors, High Commissioners and consular officials do all they can to help those most in need.
The scale and sophistication of the crisis are more extensive than anything we’ve faced before. Together with the global shutdown of borders and transit hubs, it will not be possible for each Australian traveller to get home until the travel restrictions are lifted.
For those who have future travel intended or are contemplating going abroad, cancel or postpone these trips. The risks to your health and that of others is too big.